Oke.. I've made my decision!! I'm going to buy the new MacBook!! hehe.. Everybody told me to buy it,,, So I take their advice.. So, my friends, you all know that I'm so bad with technology things.. ("gaptek" is what I meant) So, >_< Just tell me what I have to do with that,, the program things.. and all of it.. hehe.. OMG,, I've been waiting for a new laptop since I was in the junior high school!! Finally, THANKS GOD!!

Btw,, Here's the list of plan about what I'm going to buy!! Tell me if there's something wrong..

1. The MacBook of course.. the new one.. Click here for further info.

2. The Incase hardsell Case.. or I should say a crystal case or something to protect it? Yehh,,, u know.. How bad I am with things.. I have a nature behavior to make something broke easily. XP

3. Apple Mighty Mouse.. Hehe,, I really like this mouse.. Cute.. But so expensive!! I dunno whether I'm going to buy this or not.. Or I'll buy something else.. But if I have a chance, of course I'll buy it.. ^^V

Want to know more about this? Click here.

4. The keyboard silicon protector also with the scene protector.

5. The Software : Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac

Luckily, I got a friend who have it.. Maybe,, I can borrow it from him.. I hope so... hehehe. And I have a cousin who actually have the software too.. and all the software for design.. Hope he want to bring it back form Singapore in the next holiday.. ^^

maybe that's enough for first.. I don't want to know how much all of it cost.. Know it make me bad.. wkwkwk.. I just want to think that I'm going to have it soon!!


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.p. said...

haha... same with me donggg gaptek...
hohoho, congratulations deh, gw masi mesti nunggu kaya... 4 bulanan lagi, uff, uda kaya hamil aje...

Micchan-san said...

satu hal lagi.
klo saudaramu bawa pulang program
gw boleh minta gaa???? hehehehehehhehe

Micchan-san said...

kan itu casenya uda bagus, ngapain ditutup2in lagii??? kekerenannya ilang dee huaa
jangan lupa
MINTA SOFTWARE GRATISAN saat km beli. minta SMUA pokoknya, krn pertama itu dikasi gratis. klo ditanya mau program apa aja, minta:
desain (adobe), word (keknya km bakal dikasi openoffice dulu), trus aMSN (bukan msn messenger, krn beda...), pokoknya minta smua deh...
jangan lupa instal os windows yang XP. jangan vista. vista masi blum compatible sama bootcampnya. mwehehhe
bayangin ntar klo kita berdua di starbak, terus gw pake generasi kakek, lu pake generasi cucu... bwahahaha