Projects DONE!

I've been sooooo BUSY this week. All those homeworks and Projects were really killing me. To finish those projects I had to NOT SLEEP AT ALL at night for 2 days in a row! BUT, I slept during the class. Haha.. I'm really a bad student. :9

Now, I,m gonna tell you what I had been doing for this week assignments!

1. Komunikasi Arsitektur (Communication of Architecture)
I REALLY wanted to be angry and shouted at the teacher (dosen) and also his assistant (asdos). THEY're really a perfectionist! I was doing my best. And all I got was 3,5 of 4. It meant that my score was just around 75 of 100! =="
These are some of my assignments which is DONE!

Score : 3,3 = 7,3

Score : 3,2 = 7,2

2. Studio Perancangan Arsitektur (STUPA)
This is the hardest class. One sheet of question! and I had to give 20 sheets of A3 size! That's realy depressing.

This one is about BATHROOM and Toilets. I had to explore our campus' MAN toilets, my BATHROOM and to design my dream bathroom (3x3)

- Campus Toilet (for Man)-

-My Bathroom-

-My Bathroom design (Dream Bathroom)-

That's all I got. Hope I get a better score. ^^
I'll keep posted my assignments from now. Hope you like it. ^^


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Esther Angela said...

bgs bgt :D
aq pusing bgt dsuruh gbr prespektif hehe

Alexandra Ariane Nadia said...

bagus amad rel
yg sgitu aja 7 :(
gw sll dpt 50an di kelas gw
takut ga lulus :(
stupa lo keren :)

Maria said...

gila rel gw bisa nyembah lu tuh tugas banyak amat ya keliatannya

gw merasa sangat sangat gabut krn tugas gw dikit *ktawa setan* ga ada gambar2, paling esai. hahahahaha.

gud luck yaaaa
iya rel, lu post pr2 lu di sini aja, biar gw bisa geleng2 kepala sambil senyum2 n bilang, "ini sih kerjaan favoritenya aurel~" xD

Phil 'o' Sophy said...

wow, cool.. bath room design juga termasuk dalam arsitektur kah? bukan cm desain interior ya... :) *penasaran*