Yipee!!! Finally.. my dad agreed to le let me have a new laptop.. But I have to wait till my 17th birthday.. This afternoon, we were discussing what laptop I should buy.. I personally want the MacBook of course,, but he said that it's not really good since the parts are so expensive and all the programs are difficult.. I just agreed with it, coz if I say something which he doesn't like, he will be reluctant to buy me one.. -_-a
So,, now here are my list... Which one I should buy?
So,, now here are my list... Which one I should buy?
2. VAIO FW or...
3. VAIO CS ???
I really don't know what to choose!! Honestly,, my dad let me buy whichever I want coz he said that I need to buy laptop which is can be used until I'm in the university,, So it's okay whether it's sooooo expensive if I can used it well.. (My dad is so nice!! ^_^ )
So,, friends,,, just give an opinion... I really need it..
So,, friends,,, just give an opinion... I really need it..
well, from what i know, vaio fw won't last longer, since, i dunno, it's the cheapest among them.
But, i prefer vaio cs, really, i already saw it with my own eyes, it's sooooo incredible! i mean, i want to buy the cs, hoho...
and really, don't believe in my comment, aku gaptek relll, ga ngerti gini2annnn!!!
pokoknya klo aku sih, tanya langsung aja sama mas2 penjual tokonya, "mana mas yang paling ok?"
mas2 penjual toko uda pasti bilang YANG PALING MAHAL YANG PALING OKE. *gubrak* piz piz piz XD
eniwei, lu butuh buat apa dulu... buat design? maen? dll? klo buat desain yg layar gede... RAM mantab (buat program gitu kan RAM harus gede), n prosesor di atas 2 Ghz klo bisa (duh itu macbook yg baru cm 2 ghz parah de --a punya gw aja 2.4 GHz --a). Cari yang specnya last long (jadi kompi lo ga bakal dicap JADUL) sampe at least 5 taon lagi. wkwkwk.
1 hal yang paling penting buat laptop: BATERE HARUS TAHAN LAMA.
trus klo uda beli laptop... jgn lupa beli screen protector, pembersih, alas keyboard biar ga kotor, aksesoris2 kecil gitu tp yg menunjang... XD wkwkwkwk gw ngomong uda kek ahli laptop aja tp itu menurut pengalaman gw ndiri se. wkwk happy buying (n choosing first)!
klo uda beli. jangan lupa traktir2. XP
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