Kim Bum and Kim So Eun

I've watched AGAIN Boys Before Flowers this week. AND I coudn't help smiling whenever there are scenes between
Kim Bum and Kim So Eun
I LOVE THEM. They're so cute and really a perfect couple.. I even think that they should play a movie together as a couple. And the movie will absolutly become number one box-office! Haha..

I also find some pages in facebook. Some of the fans make FAKE movie posters with them as the main cast. Some people thought that there was actually a movie played by both of them. haha. To tell you the truth, I also thought like that and good TOO excited. But I ended in regret to know that it was just a fake made by the fans. =="

-At School?? Haahh??--HEY!! What is this??-I love Kim Bum here.. He looks MUCH MORE cute!>.< They look really cool here ^^v

I don't know whether these are kind of advertisment or what.. But they're really look good together here. I just know that these were for Bonjuk (???)

Some of you must be know about this, right? ANYCALL BODYGUARD. This is kind of advertisement by Samsung.They're soooo cute here!
This is the poster :
And this is Kim Bum and Kim So Eun's Anycall Bodyguard CF Full version (english subbed) :


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Alexandra Ariane Nadia said...

aku jg suka kimbumm
jadi ingin cikibum2

.p. said...

semua artis2 korea juga pada demen gitu dia ganteng soalnya
kapan2 coba cari aja variety show namanya 'champagne' di youtube
cari klo ada yang kimbum
kadang2 champagne ngadain kaya ideal type championship gt ;9