Last Week, I met my pals. I was and am really miss them. At first, Toni asked me and friends to meet since he came back to Jakarta last weekend. So, I agreed. And Maria asked me too. What a coincidence. Haha.
So, I met them at Grand Indonesia, East Mall. Nje and Toni were the first to arrive. I met them at Blitz Megaplex. Toni really wanted to watch RESIDENT EVIL : AFTER LIFE. Since we can't watch it there, we went to Plaza Indonesia and then went straight to Cinema XXI and ordered the ticket movie. Then, we watched it. Just three of us.
Then, we went back to Grand Indonesia coz Maria had texted me. Said "I'm already arrive, where r u?".. We met up at Mr. Curry. Maria and Adi ate there. Nje, Toni and I just ordered some dessert. Chocolate parfait! It was delicious! And thank to ADI who really has a kind heart and treat us! Thanks! ^^
We also met Jeremy and his "girl"friend, Inez who soon are going (or already) to be HIS REAL girlfriend. Haha. We went to New York New York to play some games. Not GAMES actually it was just one game : DDR. Maria was really wanted to play this. Then we (one by one) had to accompany her. And all we did just emberassed ourself and lose. But, we just have FUN!
Adi, Maria, Jeremy, (Me), Toni and Nje.
Nje, (Me), Jeremy, Inez, Toni and Maria
I can't go home late, so I had to go home early. Maria, Adi and Toni went to Plaza Indonesia. and then Jeremy and Inez still at Grand Indonesia.
I really MISS THEM! Hope we can meet up again!!
iyaaaa reeeel gue juga kangeeeen tapi kyk blom sempat ngeblog2 gituuu aaaaa apa gw link ke blog lu aja ya huahahahha
i like this posting and whole ur blog....
salam kenal, ditunggu kunjungann bliknya ya,,,
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