I got a computer assignment. To make a cover magazine ourselves with Adobe Photoshop CS2. I really got interested to make this kind of assignment. As long as it was about design, I'm happy to do it! ^^
At, first, I confused. How to make this? I even don't have the software! Arghh,, then, Yan, one of my friend who also has MacBook, was happy to lend me the installer of Adobe Photoshop. even better! It was Adobe Photoshop CS4, the newest! Then, I could start to make the design. I wanted to make a cover magazine about animal at first. I really have to made it. Here is the result :

But then I changed my mind. And then started to make a new design of the cover magazine. I made a girlie thing. It was a cover of "shopping" magazine for girls. I really think that it was so bling?! Haha. It was actualllyu not my type. But, I already made it. So I will give this to be scored. Haha.
Here is the result :

Which one is better??
Give me your respond! ^^


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.p. said...

humm... tough decision to make... both are really nice... but i like the animal one, dunno why.. just feel like... more Aurel maybe [??] lol
but the shopping is nice too!
good job! :))

.p. said...

rel, take your award here:

wend said...

the second 1.