Tell me why, could you?

I just don't know how to find you
In the middle of the crowd
Crying out loud you beautiful name
But you don't hear it
OR you don't want to hear it?

Having your back
Make me have no existence in your eyes
I'm just nothing in your life
Coz you don't even know
that I've ever been born from nothing
just for you

I couldn't help staring at you
Whenever I caught your scent
Whenever I heard your step
Whenever I tasted the delicious smile of you
But, whenever you look back at me
I couldn't see me in your eyes

Does my feeling isn't enough for you?
Is there someone else you care most?
Am I broken heart?
Why should I?
Why am I the one who fall in love with you?


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Micchan-san said...

aih aurell huhuhu lagi broken heart kah? cup2 darling...