I don't know what should I called my activities now? Sewing? Stiching? Ahhh.. whatever.. During my "holiday" before I went officially to university, I learned how to make something cute from flanel. At first, Maria thought me how to sew. Then, I practiced it. So, Maria, THANK YOUUU SO MUCCHHHH!! hehe..

My making is STILL reallly bad. But, there is always a first to learn something right? All I need to do just to make sure not to lose the mood and want to practice a lot!

Here are some photos :

-ice cream orange-

-banana chocolate cake-

I even want to make the real one.. Haha.. It took me ONE DAY to make it.. Ahh.. This's the proof that I should learn MORE..


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Alexandra Ariane Nadia said...

itu bagus bgd rel
bagus banged
itu lu tiru dr gambar gitu?
ato lu rancang ndiri bentuk buah dsbna?
yg gambar ke 2 bagus bgd

Maria said...

hahaha klo seharian mah ga lama kok rel. mknya semua yg jahitan tangan mahal kan... kecil2 seuprit2... mesti telaten banget sampe nyipit2 matanya... (lebay) tp iya sih, kayaknya mata gw tambah burem aja gara2 nyulam2 hahahaha

x) mari kita lestarikan budaya diy dan menjahit!

Marshya said...

rel, gue bilang juga apa?! bagus banget hasil jaitan lo.
yang kedua juga bagus.
klo bisa dimakan udah gue makan tuh.
ajarin gue dong!hahaha