I’ve made my eyes into pieces

Put it in the sky

Along with the wonderful stars

And become the light of your night

My confidence is gone

Fading away with the dancing wind

To the future of yours

Become the beat of your heart

I hold my tears

It felt sort of like a razor sliding between my ribs

Too clean and precise a pain to be compared

to a blow or a break

This feeling is tortured me

I tried to laugh through the pain

It couldn’t been worse, can it?

But now,

I have a chance to have a new life

Even with the sadness on my voice

Even the steps are painful

I want to go to a new world with our wings

To be free and happy

Just like a child one more time

My future is you

I’ll choose the path beside you

Keep running

To the future of us.


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wend said...

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